Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Odbo WRINKLETOX SERUM – Isi 4 botol @ 5ml



Gunakan Odbo Wrinkletox Serum di wajah anda dan disekeliling mata dan mulut anda untuk memudarkan kerutan2 di wajah anda. Wrinkletox juga menyerap sebum dan membuat kulit anda lebih fresh.

Cara menggunakan :
Sesudah moisturizer, gunakan Wrinkletox dengan cara DITEPUK2 di daerah yg terlihat adanya kerutan (mata, mulut, dahi, pipi), dan juga di bagian wajah yg terdapat bekas jerawat & bekas luka.

Setelah serum meresap, anda dapat menggunakan make up anda

Apply the Silicone Elastomer onto the skin to fill up the fine lines on the skin around the eyes and mouth and to conceal imperfections for sleek and elastic skin. Wrinkletox also absorbs sebum and keeps the skin grease-free and refreshed. Compatible with foundation and other types of makeup. Its anti-aging ingredients, Vitamin A, Adenosine and EGF help reduce wrinkles and leave the skin looking more youthful.

Achieve smooth make up results and helps fade away blotchy uneven skin tones, resulting in sleek complexion.

Suitable for all skin types.

How to use :
After application of the moisturizer, apply and pat around the fine lines of eyes and mouth as well as around pimples or scars. Wait until it is absorbed into skin and apply your makeup. To lengthen the benefit of the serum, re-apply over the desired area after removing makeup.

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