Tuesday, September 23, 2014

ODBO Sleeping Pack - 50ml

Pakai Sleeping Pack tiap malam sebelum tidur, rasakan bedanya setiap sista bangun tidur di pagi harinya, kulit jadi halus, lembut, kencang.

Melembabkan dan menutrisi kulit, mencegah kulit dehidrasi selama anda beristirahat dimalam hari.

Cara Menggunakan :
Gunakan keseluruh wajah sebelum anda tidur

Locks moisture and nutrients onto the skin, preventing it from being dehydrated during a night's rest. Massage onto tired or loose skin to promoted growth of balanced skin, while strengthening skin barrier and skin texture. The sleeping pack also promotes peripheral circulation and accelerates cutaneous cellular exchange. Skin will be deeply moisturized and awake to lustrous and relaxed skin that looks brighter.

How to use:
Apply onto face after completing your daily skincare routine and spread it evenly with a gentle massage before heading to bed.

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